Home Life


Home Sweet Cluttered Home! Here is a fun place for tips on how to keep house!

Monday, August 21, 2006

How to Save on Groceries

Just as you advise your children to do their homework, so must you before you step into that supermarket. Here are a few tricks of the trade:

-Read that weekly food section and check the Sunday paper to see what's on sale and devise a plan and don't forget the fine print in those offers.

-At some stores "buy one, get one free" items ring up at half price, which means you can use a coupon on each one and double your savings. However, other stores mark one item full-price and give you the other for free, allowing you to use only one coupon.

-Call the toll-free numbers on your favorite products' labels and tell the customer-service rep how much you enjoy them. Some reps will offer cents-off (or even free) coupons for the product itself; if not, ask.

-Clip coupons from magazines, newspapers, check in-store machines/displays, even libraries.

-Start a coupon exchange with friends/family.

-Check out the wealth of national-brands coupon-offering services on the Web. They can save you money -- even the ones that charge nominal fees. Try: keycode.com or mycoupons.com

-Walgreens offers many products for free in their coupon book (in store) the first of the month-stock up.

-Seek out supermarkets that will double -- some super stores even triple -- the face value of manufacturers' coupons.

-Request price matching. Find a store in your area that will honor all competitors' ads. You'll save money, time and gas.

-Check your receipts. No matter how careful you or the store staff might be, mistakes happen.

-Always send in for the rebate on a purchase whether it's $2 or $50. It all adds up!

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Monday, August 14, 2006

The Power of Vinegar-Yes, Vinegar!
My grandmother swore (Ok, she never swore) by vinegar for cleaning. I had an array of harsh cleaning products but when my infant son had allegries, I decided to go back to some old tried and true cleaning ways. The amazing thing-they worked and I didn't sneeze once when I was cleaning! Here are some great cleaning tips from a pro, Pat Veretto of Frugal Living.

-A quarter cup in a quart of water makes a good window cleaner.
-A reader adds: When you use vinegar to wash windows, dry with newspapers. Your windows will sparkle!
-Another reader says: Keep a solution of 50/50 white vinegar and water in a spray bottle to use for cleaning windows, counters, and everything in between!
Add 1/2 cup vinegar to a gallon of water to keep your no wax floors clean and shining.
-To keep your freshly cleaned oven from stinking up your house next time you bake something, wipe it with white vinegar as a final rinse. It neutralizes the harsh alkali of oven cleaners.
-Vinegar is an excellent grease cutter. In college cafeterias we boil out our fry vats every week with vinegar and water. Very cost effective and very safe-no harsh chemicals, no risk of fire. We also use straight vinegar to clean the grill hoods. Again, very inexpensive and does a fantastic job.
-Pour 1/4 cup vinegar with dish soap- water must be hot (not boiling hot). This is great for cleaning your Corningware dishes (it removes all the stains and grease), cleaning your stainless steel pots and pans ect., clean your oven and all of stove top ( this is better than oven cleaners. it will remove all of the grease. just dab on and let it set for a few minutes then wipe clean), and cabinets in kitchen.

For More Cleaning Tips, Recipes, Chuckles, & More Visit: www.nemothers.org
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